Complexica Pty Ltd, a leading provider of Artificial Intelligence software that helps organisations increase their revenue, margin, and customer engagement, announced today that Matthew Michalewicz will join Hon Christopher Pyne MP, Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, and CJ Halvorson, General Manager, Oracle Australia, as a panelist at the AMCHAM Business Lucheon “Innovation Driving Prosperity” held on 8th April 2016 at the Adelaide Convention Centre.
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AmCham is Australia’s largest international Chamber of Commerce, and its events are regarded as among the most professional, respected, and well-attended events of their type and attract leaders and decisions-makers from corporate, industry and Government sectors. They focus on issues which affect business and the economy and include topics such as resources, mining, technology, finance, tourism, defence, agribusiness, health, education and wealth management industries.
Founded in 1961 the Chamber’s objectives are to provide assistance to US and Australian companies and promote trade, commerce and investment between Australia and the USA. The Chamber also represents the business views of its members before Government in Washington and Canberra. Through the Asia-Pacific Council of American Chambers of Commerce (APCAC), AmCham is involved in issues that affect American and Australian businesses operating in the Asia-Pacific region.