Matthew is a regular keynote speaker on the subjects of innovation, entrepreneurship, success psychology, and personal motivation. He is represented by Saxton Speakers Bureau and has presented at hundreds of events across Australia, Europe and the United States, with audiences ranging from 50 to 5,000 people. Matthew can tailor his presentation for specific corporate, small business, industry sector or public sector audiences.

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: What it Means for You and Your Industry?

Few terms have captured our imagination in recent times like “Artificial Intelligence,” and it now seems that everyone “knows” about AI; everyone has an opinion. And yet, few people understand what Artificial Intelligence really is and isn’t, where the field came from and where it’s heading, and how the technology can be harnessed to generate commercial outcomes.

Having written several books on Artificial Intelligence and run AI/ML companies since 1999 across Europe, North America, and Australasia, Matt Michalewicz has seen the evolution of the field first hand. In this educational and visual impactful keynote, he will explain what Artificial Intelligence is and the reasons behind its recent rise, where the field stands today and where its heading, as well as practical examples of applications in today’s business landscape. Topics covered include:

  • The four major disciplines of Artificial Intelligence: Robotics, Vision, NLP, and Cognitive Systems
  • Using AI/ML for prediction and optimisation within businesses to improve margin and revenue performance
  • Generative AI and its future development
  • Application of AI/ML in consumer devices, security, driverless cars, defence, health, FMCG, and other industries
  • How AL attempts to “mimic” nature, and where current state-of-the art research stands
  • Practical advice for initiating projects and realising value (data, scope, change management, integration to source systems, and more)
  • The future of Artificial Intelligence: risks, ethics, challenges

Engaging and educational, this session will draw on facts, case studies, as well as technology examples to explain each concept

The Science of Success

The problem with success is that everybody has an opinion on how to achieve it. These opinions are usually based on personal experiences within a specific industry, time period, and geography, and can often be contradictory or irrelevant.

In the “Science of Success”, Matthew presents the five fundamental drivers of success that are evidence-based and proven through thousands of studies and decades of scientific research. Free from opinion and bias, he explains the mechanics of each driver, why it works, and how it can be applied for attaining business, career, and personal goals.

Matthew’s talk is often included as a keynote presentation in conferences, corporate events, and professional development programs, and is based on his groundbreaking book Life in Half a Second.

Winning Sales

It’s not the company with the best product or service that wins the day, it’s the company with the best sales and marketing. Calling on his 20+ years of experience in both business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) sales, Matthew Michalewicz will share the secrets that can transform an average sales organisation into best in class. Using case studies and research from the field of psychology and behavioural finance, he will present what the ideal sales process should look like and how to apply it. Participants will learn how to:

  • Optimise their sales process for cost and conversion;
  • Sell the ‘prize’ versus the ‘product’;
  • Apply ’emotional involvement’;
  • Become more customer-centric; and
  • Increase their credibility to increase sales.

Matthew’s talk will change the way your organizsation sells its products and services.

Making a Small Business Work for You ... rather than the other way around!

Most small businesses are stuck in a perpetual state of ‘survival’, never quite able to achieve the financial success their products and services deserve.

Matthew’s presentation pulls focus on the critical factors that make the difference between starvation and success in any small business. Based on real-life examples and case studies, participants are provides with knowledge, insights, and action items to improve their top and bottom line performance, along with insights into Matthew’s approach to fast-tracking business growth.

Matthew has started, grown, and sold four companies during a 20-year period, with his last venture being ranked by Deloitte as the third fastest growing company in Australia in 2012.

Innovation and Thinking like a Start up

Can you have the best of both worlds in business? using the brand power and reach of a big business with the agility and innovation of a start up? 

Matthew’s presentation pulls focus on the critical factors that help companies get the best out of their operation and become number in their market. Based on real-life examples and case studies, the presentation will provide practical advice for improving top and bottom line performance through innovation, along with insights into Matthew’s approach to fast-tracking business growth through sales & marketing excellence.

The presentation also addresses the common problem that large organisations face on how to approach innovation – which is typically an unstructured discipline – in a structured manner. Matthew presents different innovation models, from cultural and KPI-driven innovation, through to think tanks, strategic alliances, spin-ins, and strategic investments, and how they have been applied in various industries.

Disruption & Innovation

Although the world is rapidly changing, with technology re-writing the face of countless industries across the globe, few people realise the speed of this change is accelerating. Rapid change is not just a “phase” – rapid change is the new “norm”. According to a new Innosight study, the average lifespan of an S&P 500 company has fallen from 61 years in 1958, to just 18 years today, and new business models may only have a lifespan of 5 years or less given the speed of change.

As an international expert in disruption & innovation – having started, grown, and sold several Artificial Intelligence companies in Europe, North America, and Australasia over the past 25 years – Matthew Michalewicz delivers an succinct keynote applicable to large enterprises and small businesses alike.  Topics covered:

  • Why startups disrupt large organisations (and not the other way around, even though it’s the large organisations that are the ones with the resources, customers, and talent)
  • What organisations are doing to accelerate innovation and protect themselves from disruption
  • How innovation happens, and what role it plays in competitive advantage
  • How small businesses compete against much larger organisations (and win)
  • How large organisations change their culture and ways of working to become more innovative
  • What major trends are driving innovation and disruption today
  • How new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, 3-D printing, and quantum computing will re-shape and disrupt countless industries
  • Implications for sales, marketing, and supply chain business functions

Engaging and educational, Matthew’s keynote draws on facts and studies, as well as first-hand case studies on the topics covered


We got numerous comments about how easy to relate to Matthew was and how inspired people were to take charge of their own goals.



Advisers were highly impressed with Matthew Michalewicz and his Five Drivers of Personal and Business Success presentation. This session had the highest average of all sessions from the PD day series and was voted the most valuable plenary session overall and the most useful session overall.

Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Matthew was an absolute hit at every event we had. His presentation is always delivered with passion and humour, and the feedback from our clients has been great! We would highly recommend Matthew to anyone wanting a keynote speaker.

Colonial First State

Clear and direct, Matthew Michalewicz is a great speaker who inspires audiences by sharing his experiences and providing good advice.

Rachel Slattery

Director, Slattery IT

Matthew is one of the most accomplished and sought after speakers on the business circuit who inspires audiences through his confident delivery. His message content is drawn from his vast commercial experiences, providing his audience with a relevant, valuable message in an entertaining manner.

InVenture Partners

Matthew delivered a keynote that was thought provoking and inspiring, and which set the scene for our whole conference – attendees were still talking about it on the last day. I would certainly look to book Matthew again and have no hesitation in recommending him.

CEO Leading Edge Buying Groups

Graham Dear

We were absolutely thrilled with Matthew. He was professional, on message, approachable, highly relevant, engaging, value-adding. Our delegates were exceptionally positive, and they were hard to please. Well done.

CEO, Liquor Marketing Group

Doug Misener

Matthew's presentations provide that rare mix of being both educational and entertaining. He leaves you with core messages and key take-aways that can add value to your business and everyday life. If you are looking to inspire creativity and entrepreneurship, or just a motivational boost, I would highly recommend Matthew as a speaker.

Kieran Purcell

State Manager, Macquarie Private Wealth

Matthew encapsulates the talented professional speaker who is able to engage and hold the attention of audiences at a level which could best be described as absolute. I highly commend Matthew to any organisation seeking to engage him in the capacity of speaker, confident with the knowledge he will deliver each and every time to the highest expectation!


Matthew is a fine, natural speaker and I have been delighted to engage his services for several important events. Drawing upon a variety of successful experiences, including leadership of several high-tech companies, Matthew is able to convey deep insights into issues such as the commercialisation process and work-life balance in a highly articulate and entertaining fashion.

Dr. Mike Brooks

Pro Vice-Chancellor, University of Adelaide

Matthew is an accomplished speaker, but more than that, he presents with the utmost authority and credibility. He has an ability to gauge the mood and interest of the audience, and tailor his comments and presentation to suit.``

American Chamber of Commerce

His experience in technology entrepreneurship, and business in general, allows Matthew to find a way to spark interest and make a connection with everybody in the audience.

Australian Institute for Commercialisation

After hearing Matthew speak, you gain insight into what makes an entrepreneur tick, what drives him, and what motivates him as a Company Director to take an idea and turn it into a business. He speakers with passion and self belief, and above all, he is entertaining and very easy to listen to.

State Manager, Australian Institute of Company Directors

David Spear